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Monday, 14 March 2016

Commentary on Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil Celebration (2) in Igbo Language

Umunnem na Christi, ana-asi n’ezuo etu esi eri udele amiba ngiga. Odimma diri nnukwu mkpa n’anyi nile no ebea ibido emume abali Satode di aso nunwa maka na onye anoghi egbe eliri ozu na-esi n’ukwu avo ya. Ndi uka Katolic nwere nnukwu ugwu na nsopuru puru iche ebe emume abalia di maka na-ewezuga mbilite n’onwu Jesu Kristi, okwukwe ndi Katolic abaghi uru.

Nnoko anyi n’abalia ga-eweta otutu ihe n’isi njedebe.
- Satode di aso na-eweta emume Lent n’isi njedebe
- Ona-eweta izuuka di aso n’isi njedebe
- Ona-eweta emume Triduum n’isi njedebe;
- Satode di aso nakwa eweta n’ime obi anyi anuri mbilite n’onwu nke Dinwenu anyi bu Jesu Kristi.

Satode di aso nwere afa di iche iche. Eji inwe otutu afa amata ife bara nnukwu uru n’ala Igbo maka n’ife obula joro njo na-ezobe afa ya ezo. Ya mere na-anaghi emekari mpu n’ehihe. Ndi Latin na-akpo Satode di aso “Sabbatum Sanctum” nke putara Satode nke izuuka di aso. Afa ndi ozo ana-akpo ya bu: Nnukwu Satode (Great Saturday), Satode nke ojii (Black Saturday), ma obu abali tupu ubochi Easter (Easter Eve).  Ufodu na-akpo ya Satode anuri  (Joyous Saturday), ebe ndi ozo na-akpo ya Satode nke oku ( The Saturday of Light). Ihe ndia nile putara ubochi na-esote ezigbo Friday (Good Friday).

Oge ufodu n’oge gara-aga, ana-akpo Satode di aso “Easter Satode” mana emechara si  mba na ya bu afa maka na “Easter Satode” kwesiri ibu Satode nke izizi ka Jesu Kristi bilitechara n’onwu.

N’abali nunwa anyi na-eche nche maka Dinwenu anyi bu Jesu Kristi dika akwukwo Opupu isi nke iri na abuo, ama okwu nke iri ano na abuo (Exodus 12:42) siri mee k’anyi mata. Abalia na-echetakwara anyi ihe akwukwo nso kwuru n’ozioma Luuk isi nke iri na abuo bido n’ama okwu nke iri ato na ise (Luke 12:35ff) n’anyi ga-etinye oku na mpanaka anyi na-eche nche dika odibo si eche nna ya ukwu, na mgbe obatara k’onwike hu n’onaghi arahu ura. N’abali nunwa di aso, n’abali Jesu Kristi siri n’onwu bilie, Uka na-akpo anyi niile oku imu anya abali n’ekpere, iji kwanyere onwu na mbilite n’onwu nke Onyenwanyi ugwu. Ebe anyi soro Jesu taa afufu, anyi ga-esokwa ya bilite n’onwu maka n’onye fee Eze, Eze eruo ya.

Dika omenala Uka siri di, emume nunwa na-ebido n’abali ma gbasaa tupu chi efuo. Ana-eji emume oku (Igozi oku na Itinye oku n’Oriona nke ohuru) ebido ya bu emume. N’ime Uka Katolic, aja Missa di aso nke abalia bu aja Missa nke izizi kemgbe “Maundy Thursday”,  mana onodu nwere ike igbanwe ya bu iwu. N’ime Missa di aso nke abalia, aga-ekwe “Otiti diri Chineke n’elu kacha elu” nakwa “Alleluiah”, nke ahapuru kemgbe ebidoro Lent. N’oge gara-aga, ufodu ndi Anglikan na-eme emume nunwa n’ubochi Easter kpomkwem. Tata anyi ga-ekwenwokwa nkwa Mmiri Chukwu anyi (Renewal of Baptismal Vows)

Emume anyi n’abalia di nkeji Ano
A.  Emume oku
B.   Emume nke okwu
C.   Emume ikwenwo nkwa Mmiri Chukwu (Renewal of Baptismal Vows), nakwa
D.  Emume nke Eucharistia.

Emume oku n’eme k’anyi mata na Kristi bu ihe, ona-egosikwa ike mmeri onwu nke Kristi. Ihe Jesu bata n’ime mmadu, ochichiri na-agbapu n’ime onye ahu; ochichiri puo n’ime mmadu, Jesu abata. Onye obula no n’ime Jesu, Jesu na-ano n’ime ya, maka na onye fee Eze, Eze eruo ya. Oku ahu na-echetakwara anyi n’anyi ga-agba mbo hu n’okwukwe anyi gana achake ka oku. Oku ahu na-enwuputa n’oriona nke Easter na-echetara anyi na oku nke okwukwe anyi gana-achake ngbe dum. Oriona na-enwu ona-agbada k’anyi nweike nwee oku wee hu uzo; ona-akuziri anyi n’anyi ga-amuta ita afufu maka odimma nke ndi ozo.

Emume nke okwu gunyere ihe ogugu ewetara n’ime akwukwo nso n’ebe di iche iche, nakwa nkowa aga-akowara anyi ha n’udi okwu chukwu. N’emume nke okwu, otutu okwu anyi na-aso k’emgbe emume Lent bidoro dika “Otito diri Chineke n’elu kacha elu” na “Alleluiah”, anyi ga-amalite kpoba ha.


Gini bu Baptism?

Baptism bu Sacrament nke na-awuchapu anyi njo ekere uwa mee anyi ndi otu Kristi, umu nke Chukwu n’otu nzuko. Ubochi izizi anyi natara oriri nso, anyi kwere Uka na Chukwu nkwa:
Ijugo Ekwensu: Ajugo m ya.
N’oru ya nile:   Ajugo m ha.
N’otito na nrafu ya nile: Ajugo m.

Ihe anyi ji na-ekwenworo ya bu nkwa kwa afo bu k’anyi na-elota olu diri anyi na ya bu nkwa. Icheta nkwa ahu n’enyere anyi aka idebe iwu Chukwu na igbara njo oso.

Jesu wubere Eucharistia di aso site na-igbanwe achicha na mmanya, ha aburu aru na obara ya. Ka ha no n’oriri ahu, osiri umu azu ya; Na-emenu nkea na ncheta nkem. Ya bu, anyi na-eme emume nke Eucharistia nkea na ncheta nke Dinwenu anyi bu Jesu Kristi.

ETUA K’ANYI GA-ESI LOGHACHI AZU N’ULO UKA (Procession back to the Church after blessing the Fire)

1.    Onye bu ngba isi oma (Thurripher) ga-ebute uzo.
2.    Uko-Chukwu bu Oriona nke Easter (Paschal Candle) ga-esobe ya.
3.    Ndi Uko-Chukwu ndi ozo abanye n’ogbara
4.    Ndi ozo n’agba odibo na “ekwu nchu-aja” (Altar) ga-esonye.
5.    Ndi mmadu ndi ozo nile esonye n’ogbara n’ogbara banyebe n’ulo uka.
K’anyi na-abanye;
Ngbe Uko-Chukwu kwelu: “Lumen Christi” nke putara Kristi bu ihe anyi.
Ihe anyi ga-aza bu: “Deo Gratia” nke putara Ekele diri Chukwu.

Kita anyi ga-agbada ala maka emume oku; odi mkpa na-ino ebe ahu were anya gi hu etu ife siri gaa maka na Okammuta Edmund Husserl si “Ahurum ngbe omere ka buru eziokwu karia na agwaram na-omere otua”, ma onye anoghi mgbe eliri ozu n’esi n’ukwu avo ya. K’anyi gbadaba maka igozi oku na ikwado Oriona.
NB: Aga-agbanyusi oku nile ugbua beluso nnukwu oku nke ahu di n’iro.

Comment: Ugbua, anyi ga-agbanyucha oku Oriona anyi ma nodu ala. Uko chukwu no n’isi emume ga-enye anyi okwu mbido. Oga-ekpekwa ekpere ma agusia ihe ogugu nke obula tupu abanye n’ihe ogugu nke ozo.

 Ihe ogugu nke mbu (Genesis 1:1-2:2)
Comment: Ihe ogugu nkea na-eme k’anyi mata n’otutu ife di n’uwa bu ife omimi, etu Chukwu siri kee uwa bukwa ife omimi maka na-okariri uche mmadu nghota. Ihe ogugua ga-akowaputara anyi etu chukwu siri kee uwa.
After the Responsorial Psalm in each of the first three Readings
Comment: K’anyi kwuru oto.
After the Priest’s prayer in each of the three Readings
Comment: K’anyi nodu ala.
§  Ihe ogugu nke abuo (Genesis 22:1-18)
Comment: Ihe ogugu nkea na-eme k’anyi mata na-anoghi n’elu utara ama dimkpa, kama obu n’ime onwunwa ka-ana ama onye nwere okwukwe. Ihe ogugua ga-akowaputara anyi ihe Abraham jiri buru Nna nke okwukwe.
§  Ihe ogugu nke Ato (Exodus 14:15-15:1)
Comment: Ihe ogugu nkea na-eme k’anyi mata n’onye obula Chukwu nonyere, onweghi  onye ga-emegide ya, maka n’onye ya na Chukwu so kariri igwe mmadu. Chukwu nonyere umu Israel n’ala Egypt, nkea wetara ha nnwere onwe na mmeri n’ala Egypt; makana onye na-ako n’ubi Chukwu na Chukwu na-akokwa n’ubi ya.
Comment: K’anyi ka kwuru oto; Ugbua, aga-amunye oku n’elu altar. Uko-Chukwu no n’isi emume ga-ekwelite ukwe “Otito diri chineke n’elu kacha elu”. K’anyi na-ekwe ya bu ukwe, aga-akubazia mgbirigba nke anyi kwusiri iku kemgbe ubochi Thursday di aso.

After the last reading of the Old Testament with its responsory and prayer, the altar Candles are lighted and the priest intones the “GLORIA”, which is taken by all present. The Church Bells are rung, according to the Local custom. At the end of the hymn, the priest sings or says the opening prayer in the usual way.

§  Rom (6:3-11)
Comment: Ihe ogugu nkea na-eme k’anyi mata n’anyi ga-ewere onwe anyi dika ndi nwurula n’ebe njo di, ma burukwa ndi di ndu maka Chukwu n’ime Kristi.

At the end of the Epistle Reading, all rise. The priest solemnly intones the “ALLELUIAH” which is repeated by all. Then after, the choir sings Psalm 177, which the people  responds “ALLELUIAH”
Comment: K’anyi kwuru oto maka NNUKWU ALLELUIAH. Uko Chukwu no n’isi emume ga-ekwelite ya n’ukwe.
§  GOSPEL—YEAR ONE (Mtt 28:1-10)
Comment: Ozioma na-eme k’anyi mata na mbilite n’onwu Kristi bu isi okwukwe anyi. Oga-akowaputara anyi etu Jesu siri bilie n’onwu nakwa etu osi gosi Maria nke Magdala na ndi ozo onwe ya.

The Homily follows the Gospel and the Liturgy of the Baptism begins.
Comment: K’anyi tugharia uche nwa oge maka okwu chukwu agwara anyi.
Comment: Anyi na-abanyezi na nkeji nke ato na emume abalia. Ebe obu n’enweghi ndi aga-eme Baptism n’abalia,Uko-Chukwu ga-agozi mmiri nso, anyi ekwenwuo nkwa Baptism anyi. Ihe anyi ji ekwenworo nkwa Baptism anyi kwa afo bu k’anyi na-elota olu diri anyi na ya bu nkwa. Icheta nkwa ahu na-enyere anyi aka idebe iwu Chukwu na igbara njo oso.

The priest then blesses the baptismal water. With hands joined, he sings or says the following prayer:
He holds the candle in the water (Paschal Candle). Then the candle is taken out of the water and the people sings the Acclamation:
Springs of water,  bless the Lord. Give him Glory and Praise Forever.

Ekwe m nkwa na mbosi Baptism
After the Font is consecrated, the Celebrant questions the Candidates:
Uko-Chukwu: Ijugo Ekwensu
Oha: Ajugo m ya.
Uko-Chukwu: N’oru ya nile
Oha: Ajugo m ha.
Uko-Chukwu: N’otito na arafu ya niile:
Oha: Ajugo m.
After the rite of baptism or if no one is  to be baptized and having blessed the water, all present stand with lighted candles and renew their baptismal professions of faith. The priest speaks to the people in these or similar words:==--==_

The priest sprinkles the people with the blessed water while all sing appropriate hymns.

Ø After the Prayer of the Faithful
Ø Ugbua bu oge Onyinye, nyee onyinye gi n’ihe onyinye no gi nso, obughi iwu na-iga agbagota n’ihu altar ebea.
Prior to the distribution of the Holy Communion
Comment: Aja Missa di aso bu maka mmadu nile kama n’oriri di aso bu naani maka ndi Katolic kwadoro onwe ha nke oma n’usoro ndi Katolic.
Maka umuaka, abanyekwala n’ogbara oriri nso beluso oburu na-inatabugo oriri nso na mbu.
Announcement: Announce the time for the Easter Sunday Mass


 Credit: Eya Mathew (Catholic Diocese of Nsukka)

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