It was not long ago that it was
announced in a parish that the diocesan bishop would be coming to the parish on
a pastoral visit. This great event of the bishop’s visit once in four years due
to the large size of the diocese was marked with a great preparation. There
were renovations within the Church premises, decorations, clean ups, etc just
to prepare for the great event of the bishop’s visit. This is an indication
that most often, important and remarkable things do not just happen without
serious preparations. For an ordination and profession to take place there must
have been a period of formation, for graduation, a period of scholarly
involvements, serious academic struggles and scholarship, for marriage, a
period of courtship and even for Christmas, a period of advent.
Today’s liturgy has
two special characters: repentance and preparation. These special characters
have several implications for us. In the first reading (Joel 2:12-18), we are
presented with the character of repentance. Repentance implies a return to God
which a sinner makes after committing sin. Christianity therefore adopted this
meaning. Thus, in repentance, the sinner abandons his old and evil way of life
and returns to God in a new and holy way of life. That is why the first reading
asks the bride and bridegroom to leave their clove and bedroom, and the priests
and ministers of the Lord to turn to the Lord and lament for Him to spare his
people. In repentance we turn away from sin, turn to the lord, admit our
faults, confess our sins and ask for His pardon.
To make us more
conscious of the need for repentance, the Church adopts from the Jewish
culture, the sacred use of ashes. That is why in this Mass, the ashes from the
palm fronds blessed last Palm Sunday will be blessed and applied on us. These
ashes remind us of our nothingness before God who we rebel against by our sins.
It also reminds us that we came from dust and shall return to dust. When it is
applied on us, it also depicts sorrow for our sins just as the Ninivites did.
For these reasons, today is called Ash Wednesday.
The gospel reading
(Mt. 6:1-6,16-18) presents us with the second special character of preparation.
Preparation in this context means making someone or something ready for
something better. Within this period of lent, we are to make ourselves ready to
die with Christ that we may rise with him at Easter. To do this, the gospel
reading presents us with the three pillars of a perfect Lenten observance:
prayer, almsgiving and fasting. Jesus therefore warns us never to practice them
like the hypocrites always seeking for people’s recognition. Rather, we should
do them in secret so that our Father who sees in secret will reward us.
Therefore, brothers
and sisters, are you resolved to abandon your old and evil way of life to
embrace a new and holy way of life? Do you feel the need to repent of your sins
because of your nothingness before God? Who knows whether this is the last
opportunity you have to refrain from that sin that you are addicted to before
it destroys you? We cannot claim to be perfect, a sincere introspection will
always make us guilty of something we can repent of. Though God is merciful, He
is just and repays each man according to his deeds but this is one of such
moments when God’s mercy triumphs over His justice. He is waiting for the
repentant sinner just like the father of the prodigal son, not to condemn him
but to grant him pardon and acceptance (cf. Luke 15:11-32).
How are you preparing
yourself for the Lenten observance? Only those who die with Christ by suffering
themselves within this period will rise with him into a new life at Easter. Why
not take up something to do. Have you seen those around you who need help? They
are the means of grace when you help them. Have you been weak in your prayer
life? This is the best time to take it up as a challenge. Have you involved
yourself in an inordinate relationship? This is the best time to refrain from
it and detach yourself from all worldly things. You can fast from food at least
on Fridays and also, from those things that give you pleasure especially sin.
Deny yourself of something and offer it up to God.
Do not be afraid as
you plan to do these things. You can really do them because the second reading (2
Cor. 5:20-6:2) has assured us that God has given us the grace to do this, so do
not neglect this grace. You can always sustain it with prayers. Therefore, as
the reading says, now is the favourable time and the day of salvation, with
this grace, work out your salvation in fear and trembling. God loves you.
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