Theme: The Visit of the Magi
we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. Epiphany is a kind of
theophany which is God’s revelation and manifestation of Himself. In the bible,
we see several instances of this divine manifestation. In the Old Testament, we
recall the incidence of the burning bush where God revealed Himself as I AM. In the New Testament, the baptism
of Jesus is another example of theophany. There God revealed Himself in the
Voice of the Father who spoke about the Son, in the Son who was being baptized
and in the Holy Spirit who descended on the Son in the form of a dove. In today’s theophany, God is revealing and
manifesting Himself this time not to the Jews but to Gentiles whom He guided to
the birthplace of Christ through a star. We shall therefore reflect on some
interesting aspects of the readings that will help us appreciate the epiphany
the first reading (Is. 60:1-6), the Prophet Isaiah invites us to rise and shine
out for our Light has come. He calls us to witness to the Light. This light is
Christ who we celebrate His birth this season. Are we ready to leave our works
of darkness and follow the light of Christ which illumines our paths to heaven?
Without Christ, our vision is blurred and our journey is hopeless because we
cannot see our way since Christ is the Way. If Christ is living in and among
us, we must therefore allow others to experience this light in us which is supposed
to guide them through our actions.
the second reading (Eph. 3:2-3,5-6), St Paul talks of God’s revelation and
manifestation of Himself to the Gentiles. In the Jewish tradition, the Gentiles
were regarded as an inferior race who were unworthy of God’s salvation. The
scripture records several instances of humiliating racial discrimination
against the Gentiles by the Jews. But at Christ’s birth, the Good News was no
longer for the Jews alone but also for the Gentiles. What this means for us is
that now, we all have a chance to make heaven. God’s graces for repentance and
salvation are available for all. There is no barrier between us and God except
the sins we commit. When we claim to be righteous Christians and look down on
sinners instead of helping them repent, we might be surprised to see them in
heaven even before us.
the gospel reading(Mt. 2:1-12), the Evangelist narrates the visit of the Magi
from the East to Bethlehem led by a star. These men were regarded as wise men
(Magi) because of their ability to recognize the Star and their readiness to
follow it. They decided to take the risk of finding the new born Jesus. Can we
really look for God the way these men did? May be, this time not by leaving for
an unknown land but by following “The Star” faithfully and meticulously. The
Star was a blinking particle of light not so bright but it led them to the
abode of the Light of the world. This Star could mean for us, our faith
commitment, our Bible, our fellowship and everything that will lead us to Christ.
Can we take the risk involved in finding Christ because the road is not easy
but full of thorns?
Magi found Christ and made their finding remarkable with the homage and worship
they rendered Him. They also presented him with great gifts. At Christmas, the
burden of going out to search for Christ has been reduced because Christ comes
to us in the form of a baby in a manger, we only need to go and meet him. So
now that the burden is less what gift can you present to Christ this Christmas
season and new year? The best gift we can give to him is the best gift we have
received from him which is our lives. Can you offer Christ your life as a new
year gift by maintaining peace, love, holiness and by doing all those things
that pleases Him?
The Magi did not only worship and
present gifts to Christ but also obeyed the directive of the angel who warned
them in a dream never to return to Herod. Herod for us symbolizes everything
against the Spirit of Christ, especially sin. As the Magi never went back to Herod
who asked them to return, we must also, never go back to those sins asking us
to return. Let us make new year resolutions that are realistic. Therefore, as
we begin this new year, let us turn a new leaf and let men know that we really
encountered Christ at Christmas. So that as the Magi went home rejoicing, the
joy of Christ’s birth may always abide with us. Amen. God loves you.
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