“I am the Good Shepherd”

That is why in the first reading (Acts 4:8-12), we see Peter explaining to the Jews how Jesus gave up his life for his flock, died and was raised up and in his name, many miracles are done especially the healing of the crippled man.

is a special Sunday in Eastertide traditionally called “the Good Shepherd
Sunday”. In today’s liturgy, we reflect on and learn from Christ who is the
Good Shepherd.
the Old Testament, we discover that most often God chose His instruments among
shepherds. This was perhaps because of the special qualities they possessed. In
the New Testament, Jesus amidst other professions, decided to identify himself
as a shepherd. A shepherd is humble, kind and dedicated to the duty of taking
care of his flock. He knows his sheep and they know him because they listen to
his voice. He is ready to lay down his life for his sheep. He is a good leader
who is patient and kind.
the gospel reading (John 10:11-18), Jesus describes himself with these
qualities not just as a shepherd but as the Good Shepherd; a model for all
shepherds. Therefore today, we shall reflect on Christ as the Good Shepherd,
the shepherding ministry of the Church and the unity of Christians.
Christ the Good Shepherd:
Christ is the Good Shepherd that laid down his life for us his flock. His life
was not lost at death but was used to transform our spiritual death into life
and today through him we receive every spiritual and physical blessing.
That is why in the first reading (Acts 4:8-12), we see Peter explaining to the Jews how Jesus gave up his life for his flock, died and was raised up and in his name, many miracles are done especially the healing of the crippled man.
The Shepherding Ministry of the Church:
Christ did not end as the Good Shepherd, rather he handed over his ministry of
shepherding to his Church with St. Peter as the first chief shepherd. As
Christians and Catholics in particular, we are expected to respect Christ in
the constituted authorities of the Church. Christ is still present shepherding
us in and through their ministry.
this reason, we also regard today as Vocation Sunday. It is our responsibility
to pray for and support good vocations to the hierarchy of the Church. We should
respect them and never fight to pull them down. We should also understand them
as humans. The hierarchy (Deacons, Priests and Bishops) should also remember
that the ministry in not their own but the Lord’s and that they are privileged
for the sake of the gospel. They should therefore live out the gospel and practice
the virtues of Christ as the Good Shepherd. They are not to be dictators but
are to lead the flock to the Chief Shepherd.
The Unity of Christians:
In the gospel reading, Jesus prayed that there be only one flock and one
shepherd. As Christians, we can make this prayer answered by fostering the
unity of Christians. All of us should be united under one head and this could
be done by having a unity of mind and purpose. The second reading (1 John
3:1-2) asks us to think of the love God has lavished on us by letting us be
called His children. As children of God, there should be no dichotomy among us
and we ought to live our lives in such a way that will guarantee us to see God
as He really is on the last day and so be like Him.
beloved brethren, the ball is on our courts. This Sunday may we ask God for the
grace to follow Christ our Shepherd with perseverance and hope, contribute
positively to the pastoral ministry of the Church and foster Christian unity.
As we do this, may the blessings of God never elude us this new week and
forever. God loves you.
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Thanks Fr for sharing your wonderful reflections with us.
ReplyDeleteA masterpiece, thanks for your efforts and God bless you.