Today being
the last Sunday of lent which we traditionally call Palm/Passion Sunday, the
Church presents to us through the readings, the examples of Christ who learnt
to obey through humility and suffering. In the first part of today’s liturgy
(the blessing and procession with palms), we see Jesus’ great obedience to the
will of his Father by triumphantly entering the Holy City. Jesus was not just
triumphant in the manner with which he entered Jerusalem, he was more
triumphant in his obedience to accept death, death on a cross, even against the
wish of his special friend Peter (cf. Mk 8:33).
That is to say
that we can regard ourselves as being successful not when we win a legal battle
or an
How obedient
have we been to God, the Church and the State? Sometimes, we consider our
positions in the Church as clerics and religious and we use these privileges to
annoy God by the horrible things we do, after all we are custodians of the law
and the law was made for man and not man for the law. We also tend to rub
shoulders with higher ecclesiastical authorities because of what we feel we
have achieved either in office or learning. The laity are also not excluded,
some think that by virtue of their exalted positions in the Church or State
they cannot be obedient to some competent authorities. As Christians, we must
learn to put aside our achievements or personalities and humble ourselves in
obedience to established authorities.
In the first
reading (Is. 50:4-7), the Prophet Isaiah using himself as a pre-figure of
Christ describes how he exercises his prophetic role in obedience to God and how
God always assisted him. The prophet was very humble and obedient to God in his
prophetic assignment and this attracted so many enemies to his side who caused
him much suffering. Even in this midst of this suffering, he did not relent
because he knew he would not be disgraced.
Therefore, in
our obedience and humility, we must anticipate suffering. We suffer when we obey
God and disobey the world or when we keep ourselves abased for God’s sake. This
was exactly what we encountered in the passion narrative today (Mk.
14:1-15,47). Jesus suffered in the hands of the Jewish authorities because he
was obedient to do the will of His father to their own discomfort. They had to
crucify him at last and the same people who sang his praises also chorused
“crucify him”.
Beloved brethren, we are all invited today to imitate Jesus. He is our model in faith and virtue. We should learn from his unconditional obedience to God even in difficult moments, we should learn from his humility though he was God and we should also learn from his docile attitude towards suffering. No matter what height we might have achieved, no matter how much people love or praise us, we must remain humble because the same people who will praise us will also condemn us. But when we are on the right path, we have nothing to fear. God loves you.
*** Please feel free to share your reactions, comments and contributions with me after reading this reflection in the comment box below. They are highly appreciated. I wish you the best of the Holy Week celebrations. I love you all and pray for God's blessings on you. ***
This is a wonderful reflection I must confess but since Christ has died for us, do we need to suffer again? Hasn't his death ended all our problems?
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ, in Matt. 10:38 Jesus said, "he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Jesus defines discipleship as one's willingness to suffer with Him. Being a disciple of Jesus not only means having faith in Him, but offering our sufferings to the Father as He did.In John 12:24 he tells us unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone and bears no fruit. Jesus is teaching that suffering and death are part of every human life, and it is only through suffering and death that we obtain the glory of resurrection.
ReplyDeleteSt. Paul also in Romans 8:17 says that we are heirs with Christ, but only if we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with Him. Paul is teaching that suffering must be embraced in order to obtain the glory that the Father has bestowed upon Jesus. In Col. 1:24 Paul rejoices in his sufferings and completes what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of His body. This proves the Catholic position regarding the efficacy of suffering. Is there something lacking in Christ's sufferings? Of course not. But because Jesus loves us so much, He allows us to participate in His redemptive suffering by leaving room in His mystical body for our own suffering. Our suffering, united with our Lord's suffering, furthers the work of His redemption. There are many, many other passages in Sacred Scripture that make this same point.